Observations on the Effect of the Manufacturing System (1815)
(Robert Owen: Observations on the Effect of the
Manufacturing System: With Hints for the Improvement of Those Parts of it Which
are Most Injurious to Health and Morals (2nd Edition), London, Edinburgh
& Glasgow 1817.)
THOSE who were engaged in the trade, manufactures, and commerce of this country thirty or forty years ago, formed but a very insignificant portion of the knowledge, wealth, influence, or population of the Empire.
Prior to that period, Britain was essentially
agricultural. But, from that time to the present, the home and foreign trade
have increased in a manner so rapid and extraordinary
as to have raised commerce to an importance, which it never previously attained
in any country possessing so much political power and influence… This change
has been owing chiefly to the mechanical inventions
which introduced the cotton trade into this country, and to the cultivation of
the cotton-tree in America. The wants, which this trade created for the various
materials requisite to forward its multiplied operations, caused an
extraordinary demand for almost all the manufactures previously established,
and, of course, for human labour. The numerous
fanciful and useful fabrics manufactured from cotton soon became objects of
desire in Europe and America: and the consequent extension of the British
foreign trade was such as to astonish and confound the most enlightened
statesmen both at home and abroad.
The immediate effects of this
manufacturing phenomenon were a rapid increase of the wealth, industry,
population and political influence of the British empire;
and by the aid of which it has been enabled to contend for five-and-twenty years
against the most formidable military and immoral power that the world
perhaps ever contained.
These important results,
however, great as they really are, have not been obtained without accompanying
evils of such a magnitude as to raise a doubt whether the latter do not
preponderate over the former.
Hitherto, legislators have
appeared to regard manufactures only in one point of view, as a source of
national wealth. The other mighty consequences, which proceed from extended
manufactures, when left to their natural progress, have never yet
engaged the attention of any legislature. Yet the political and moral effects to which we allude, well deserve to occupy the best
faculties of the greatest and the wisest statesmen.
The general diffusion of
manufactures throughout a country generates a new character in its inhabitants;
and as this character is formed upon a principle quite unfavourable
to individual or general happiness, it will produce the most lamentable and
permanent evils, unless its tendency be counteracted by legislative
interference and direction….
The acquisition of wealth, and the desire which it naturally creates for a continued increase, have introduced a fondness for essentially injurious luxuries among a numerous class of individuals, who formerly never thought of them, and they have also generated a disposition which strongly impels its possessors to sacrifice the best feelings of human nature to this love of accumulation. To succeed in this career, the industry of the lower orders, from whose labour this wealth is now drawn, has been carried by new competitors striving against those of longer standing, to a point of real oppression, reducing them by successive changes, as the spirit of competition increased, and the ease of acquiring wealth diminished, to a state more wretched than can be imagined by those who have not attentively observed the changes as they have gradually occurred. In consequence, they are at present in a situation infinitely more degraded and miserable than they were before the introduction of these manufactories, upon the success of which their bare subsistence now depends….
The inhabitants of every country are trained and formed by its great leading existing circumstances, and the character of the lower orders in Britain is now formed chiefly by circumstances arising from trade, manufactures, and commerce; and the governing principle of trade, manufactures, and commerce, is immediate pecuniary gain, to which on the great scale every other is made to give way. All are sedulously trained to buy cheap and to sell dear; and to succeed in this art, the parties must be taught to acquire strong powers of deception; and thus a spirit is generated through every class of traders, destructive of that open, honest sincerity, without which man cannot make others happy, nor enjoy happiness himself. Strictly speaking, however, this defect of character ought not to be attributed to the individuals possessing it, but to the overwhelming effect of the system under which they have been trained. But the effects of this principle of gain, unrestrained, are still more lamentable on the working classes, those who are employed in the operative parts of the manufactures; for most of these branches are more or less unfavourable to the health and morals of adults. Yet parents do not hesitate to sacrifice the well-being of their children, by putting them to occupations by which the constitution of their minds and bodies is rendered greatly inferior to what it might and ought to be under a system of common foresight and humanity….
In the
manufacturing districts it is common for parents to send their children of both
sexes at seven or eight years of age, in winter as well as summer, at six
o’clock in the morning, sometimes of course in the dark, and occasionally
amidst frost and snow, to enter the manufactories, which are often heated to a
high temperature, and contain an atmosphere far from being the most favourable to human life, and in which alt
those employed in them very frequently continue until twelve o’clock at noon,
when an hour is allowed for dinner, after which they return to remain, in a
majority of cases, till eight o’clock at night.
The children now find they must labour incessantly for their bare subsistence: they have
not been used to innocent, healthy, and rational amusements; they are not
permitted the requisite time, if they had been previously accustomed to enjoy
them. They know not what relaxation means, except by the actual cessation from labour. They are surrounded by others similarly circumstanced
with themselves; and thus passing on from childhood to youth, they become
gradually initiated, the young men in particular, but often the young females
also, in the seductive pleasures of the pot-house and inebriation: for which
their daily hard labour, want of better habits, and
the general vacuity of their minds, tend to prepare them….
Such a system of training cannot be expected to produce any other than a population weak in bodily and mental faculties, and with habits generally destructive of their own comforts, of the well-being of those around them, and strongly calculated to subdue all the social affections. Man so circumstanced sees all around him hurrying forward, at a mail-coach speed, to acquire individual wealth, regardless of him, his comforts, his wants, or even his sufferings, except by way of a degrading parish charity, fitted only to steel the heart of man against his fellows, or to form the tyrant and the slave. Today he labours for one master, to-morrow for a second, then for a third, and a fourth, until all ties between employers and employed are frittered down to the consideration of what immediate gain each can derive from the other.
The employer regards the employed as mere instruments of gain, while these acquire a gross ferocity of character, which, if legislative measures shall not be judiciously devised to prevent its increase, and ameliorate the condition of this class, will sooner or later plunge the country into a formidable and perhaps inextricable state of danger.