Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Is To Be Done?
work What Is To Be Done? was written at the end of 1901 and early in 1902. In “Where To Begin”, published in Iskra,
No. 4 (May 1901), Lenin said that the article represented “a skeleton plan to
be developed in greater detail in a pamphlet now in preparation for print”.
began the actual writing of the book in the autumn of 1901. In his “Preface to
the Pamphlet Documents of the ‘Unity’ Conference”,
written in November 1901, Lenin said that the book was in preparation “to be
published in the near future”. In December Lenin published (in Iskra, No. 12) his article
“A Talk with Defenders of Economism”, which he later
called a conspectus of What Is To Be Done?
He wrote the Preface to the book in February 1902 and early in March the book
was published by Dietz in Stuttgart. An announcement of its publication was
printed in Iskra, No. 18, March 10,
republishing the book in 1907 as part of the collection Twelve
Years, Lenin omitted Section A of Chapter V, “Who Was Offended by
the Article ‘Where To Begin,’” stating in the Preface that the book was being
published with slight abridgements, representing the omission solely of details
of the organisational relationships and minor
polemical remarks. Lenin added five footnotes to the new edition.
Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. This idea cannot be insisted upon too strongly at a time when the fashionable preaching of opportunism goes hand in hand with an infatuation for the narrowest forms of practical activity. Yet, for Russian Social-Democrats the importance of theory is enhanced by three other circumstances, which are often forgotten: first, by the fact that our Party is only in process of formation, its features are only just becoming defined, and it has as yet far from settled accounts with the other trends of revolutionary thought that threaten to divert the movement from the correct path….
Secondly, the Social-Democratic movement is in its very essence an
international movement. This means, not only that we must combat national
chauvinism, but that an incipient movement in a young country can be successful
only if it makes use of the experiences of other countries. In order to make
use of these experiences it is not enough merely to be acquainted with them, or
simply to copy out the latest resolutions. What is required is the ability to
treat these experiences critically and to test them independently. He who realises how enormously the modern working-class movement
has grown and branched out will understand what a reserve of theoretical forces
and political (as well as revolutionary) experience is required to carry out
this task.
Thirdly, the national tasks of Russian Social-Democracy are such as have never
confronted any other socialist party in the world. We shall have occasion
further on to deal with the political and organisational
duties which the task of emancipating the whole people from the yoke of
autocracy imposes upon us. At this point, we wish to state only that the role
of vanguard fighter can be fulfilled only by a party that is guided by the most
advanced theory….
We have said that there could not have been Social-Democratic consciousness among the workers. It would have to be brought to them from without. The history of all countries shows that the working class, exclusively by its own effort, is able to develop only trade union consciousness, i.e., the conviction that it is necessary to combine in unions, fight the employers, and strive to compel the government to pass necessary labour legislation, etc.[2] The theory of socialism, however, grew out of the philosophic, historical, and economic theories elaborated by educated representatives of the propertied classes, by intellectuals. By their social status the founders of modern scientific socialism, Marx and Engels, themselves belonged to the bourgeois intelligentsia. In the very same way, in Russia, the theoretical doctrine of Social-Democracy arose altogether independently of the spontaneous growth of the working-class movement; it arose as a natural and inevitable outcome of the development of thought among the revolutionary socialist intelligentsia….
I assert: (1) that no revolutionary movement can endure without a stable organisation of leaders maintaining continuity; (2) that the broader the popular mass drawn spontaneously into the struggle, which forms the basis of the movement and participates in it, the more urgent the need for such an organisation, and the more solid this organisation must be (for it is much easier for all sorts of demagogues to side-track the more backward sections of the masses); (3) that such an organisation must consist chiefly of people professionally engaged in revolutionary activity; (4) that in an autocratic state, the more we confine the membership of such an organisation to people who are professionally engaged in revolutionary activity and who have been professionally trained in the art of combating the political police, the more difficult will it be to unearth the organisation; and (5) the greater will be the number of people from the working class and from the other social classes who will be able to join the movement and perform active work in it….
Social-Democracy leads the struggle of the working class, not only for better terms for the sale of labour-power, but for the abolition of the social system that compels the propertyless to sell themselves to the rich. Social-Democracy represents the working class, not in its relation to a given group of employers alone, but in its relation to all classes of modern society and to the state as an organised political force. Hence, it follows that not only must Social-Democrats not confine themselves exclusively to the economic struggle, but that they must not allow the organisation of economic exposures to become the predominant part of their activities. We must take up actively the political education of the working class and the development of its political consciousness.
We can never give a mass organisation that degree of secrecy without which there can be no question of persistent and continuous struggle against the government. To concentrate all secret functions in the hands of as small a number of professional revolutionaries as possible does not mean that the latter will “do the thinking for all” and that the rank and file will not take an active part in the movement. On the contrary, the membership will promote increasing numbers of the professional revolutionaries from its ranks; for it will know that it is not enough for a few students and for a few working men waging the economic struggle to gather in order to form a “committee”, but that it takes years to train oneself to be a professional revolutionary…. Centralisation of the most secret functions in an organisation of revolutionaries will not diminish, but rather increase the extent and enhance the quality of the activity of a large number of other organisations that are intended for a broad public and are therefore as loose and as non-secret as possible, such as workers’ trade unions; workers’ self-education circles and circles for reading illegal literature; and socialist, as well as democratic, circles among all other sections of the population; etc., etc. We must have such circles, trade unions, and organisations everywhere in as large a number as possible and with the widest variety of functions….
The only serious organisational principle for the active workers of our movement should he the strictest secrecy, the strictest selection of members, and the training of professional revolutionaries. Given these qualities, something even more than “democratism” would be guaranteed to us, namely, complete, comradely, mutual confidence among revolutionaries. This is absolutely essential for us, because there can be no question of replacing it by general democratic control in Russia. It would be a great mistake to believe that the impossibility of establishing real “democratic” control renders the members of the revolutionary organisation beyond control altogether. They have not the time to think about toy forms of democratism (democratism within a close and compact body of comrades in which complete, mutual confidence prevails), but they have a lively sense of their responsibility, knowing as they do from experience that an organisation of real revolutionaries will stop at nothing to rid itself of an unworthy member….
Our worst sin with regard to organisation consists in the fact that by our primitiveness we have lowered the prestige of revolutionaries in Russia. A person who is flabby and shaky on questions of theory, who has a narrow outlook, who pleads the spontaneity of the masses as an excuse for his own sluggishness, who resembles a trade union secretary more than a spokesman of the people, who is unable to conceive of a broad and bold plan that would command the respect even of opponents, and who is inexperienced and clumsy in his own professional art — the art of combating the political police — such a man is not a revolutionary, but a wretched amateur!
(Source: Marxist Internet Archive. For full text see http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1901/witbd/)