In 1938 FDR told the American people, "The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over its government." (April 14, 1938)  With this in mind, all students should have a sense of current events on the national and international level.  I suggest the following links for a diverse perspective: BBC, Aljazeera, Asia Times, New York Times, Times of London, CNN, FOXNews.

My office is located in PUMC, room 244, phone 817-531-4913. 
For Spring 2019 my office hours are: Monday and Wednesday 9:30-12 in the Academic Success Center (Library); and 1:30-3:30, Tuesday 4-6, or by appointment.

Grading Guidelines for all written assignments.  Please note that all written assignments will be submitted to  See link below for more information.  Check out the different grading rubrics I use here.

See what I consider Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty.  (Be safe and read this before turning in written assignments.)  If you need help with citations and/or formatting style, consult a style guide or check on line.  This Citation Guide may be useful. 

If you need to email a professor, consider proper etiquette




Spring 2019 


HIS 2324-03 Modern US History

HIS 2324-30 Modern US History (online)

HIS 3332-40 British Empire EJW B26 @ 1:30 Tue/Thurs

HIS 3361-01 Women in the Western World McF 204 @ 1:30pm Tuesday